C. A. Ayres

Feb 14, 20196 min

The Secrets of a Writer's Soul

Updated: May 21, 2019

I love writing. I write since I've learned how. After all these years, I figured it was due time to break out my greatest tips for writing. I'll share everything I’ve learned so far. From starting out as a beginner, editing, getting published, and more.

Hunker down as we cover some excellent writing tips from over the years:

  1. Books don’t happen overnight. Sometimes there are exceptions to getting published super fast. Allow the process to happen over time.

  2. Have another pair of eyes editing. You will want to write alone, but editing is another case. Make sure you have multiple people giving their constructive criticism. It will help you move further along.

  3. Let the audience discover your personal truths. This may seem vague at first. What you want to do is share with the audience what you want to write about. Investigate it, research it. Ask your readers about important questions. And then let your audience discover the answers.

  4. Write with the heart. Don’t be afraid to share what’s alive in your heart. Believe me, your audience will be overjoyed to read your story if you do this.

  5. Establish a relationship with your readers. Find these potential readers. Market to them before your first book proposal even goes out. Build that audience on your blog, social media, even with your email list. And then let the story drive the audience to you. Your readers will feel as though they are a part of your journey.

  6. Live outside your comfort zone. During your journey of writing, you may get different opportunities to learn and grow. Don’t say no. Take each one, such as attending a writing retreat, or being a guest speaker. You’ll thank yourself later.

  7. Play with different forms of writing. You could learn a thing or two about your abilities if you are a novelist who expands into poetry or journalism. That’s what the fun in writing is all about!

  8. Don’t let the structure derail the story. Too often, writers become derailed by the structure of their novel. Let the creative process be organic and shape itself.

  9. Create a discipline in a whimsical manner. Get yourself into a groove. Have your favorite writing spot, coffee mug, or whatever you need to continue writing. What you will have in the end is more encouragement for your writing.

  10. Let your writing transform you. Don’t do it for the “deal” or for what it can afford you. Write because you are a fantastic writer and your story must be told. Unfold your story and it will change you for the good.

  11. Write to discover yourself. Choose to write daily for your better good. Not the world around you. And don’t churn out publication after publication. Fine-tune your craft and get ready for the world to read your marvel. What they’ll be getting is someone who has grown leaps and bounds.

  12. Know it will be difficult. Being a beginner writer is no easy task. Everyone would be writing if it was easy. Continue to give it your all and give it your best, and you will come out on top.

  13. Don’t wait to write. Thinking you would be wiser if you just wait until you’re older isn’t going to help you through the journey. You need to write in order to grow. Don’t wait until someone is paying you or telling you to write, either. Waiting will only give into your fears and prolong you from writing your best work. Start now and continually work on perfecting your writing.

  14. Write with conviction. Use your entire self to write your book. Put 100% into your work. Don’t let everyone else tell you what to write. Make it yours.

  15. Network with other writers. Join Facebook groups, Reddit subreddits, LinkedIn networks, and other forums to talk to writers. This will establish comradery and a support group. This will help guide you through every stage of the writing process. Don’t forget to stay in touch after you publish either.

  16. Be happy with every word. Don’t submit anything you wouldn’t read. Self-edit your work. And when you’re done self-editing, self-edit some more until you love it.

  17. Listen to those who believe in you. See it as a source of encouragement. Stop doubting, making excuses, and fearing your work. Take it from those who see the light in you. You have what it takes.

  18. Create curiosity. From the title, introduction, and ending of an article, story or book, create that must-read feeling within your target audience. Research what is important, and craft your work with a relevant sense of urgency that your customers keep coming back.

  19. Read others’ work. Go back to some of your favorite published novels or pieces of writing for inspiration. Feel their passion. Feel their energy. Use the literature as your guide for what a good piece of writing is.

  20. Put your reader first. Don’t write for you. Write for your reader. They are going to pick up your writing because it piqued their interest. It’s a commonality between you and your reader.

  21. The backstory is a foundation for your story. Your protagonist does not have a leg to stand on without this. Your story should be about your protagonist going through a change. Without the backstory, where is your foundation?

  22. Keep reading habitually. Even if you do not like or finish the book you are reading. Reading habits will enforce your writing habits and keep you going.

  23. Keep learning. Don’t assume that you’re finished learning. You’re never done learning. Whether it is learning through reading a new book, taking classes, or watching YouTube. You are continually learning.

  24. Start your email list now. Don’t wait for building up your list. It’s a great way to kick start your marketing efforts. Your raving fans will be willing to go out of their way for your book launch if they are in the know.

  25. Keep it about the writing. Sure, we all want to get published. But don’t make it all about the end game. Make it about your writing and what comes from your pen to the paper.

  26. Follow these three rules: (1) Write a lot, (2) get critiqued, (3) study writing. Continually do this. Never stop. This will guide you towards your next pieces of writing.

  27. Writing is about the journey, not the destination. So we’ve already touched on this a bit. But really savor the journey. Don’t get yourself wrapped up in the end result. Focus on your amazing writing and savor the moment you have while writing.

  28. Publish some work online first. If you have a blog or a newsletter, or even an Instagram. You could publish teasers or short stories. You’ll be open to constructive criticism more. You can use the criticism to help shape your work into a masterpiece.

  29. Be patient while writing. Take your time. Don’t rush to get published. The more time you take to learn, grow, and edit, the better your work will be once it is published.

  30. Your writing is for the reader. It’s not for you, it’s for them. Remember that you are serving them your craft. Even if writing about yourself, you’re still exposing something to the reader that is the reality. Help the reader understand your reality.

  31. Keep a writing appointment. Schedule time for yourself to write. Set a goal of how much you’re going to write. Set a time you are going to start and a time you will stop writing. It will keep you in the chair to just write.

  32. Big goals, small actions. To better explain it, set big goals for yourself. But reach the big goals with small and actionable steps. It’s a process.

  33. Write every day. Make it a habit and sit in your chair to get it done. Keep going and going. Even if for a small amount of time, you’ll still be in the habit at the end of the day.

  34. Make your own process. When you sit down to write, get into your own spirit of making it happen. It’s your process. You could recite a mantra, make your space as comfortable as you like. It is unique and individual as you are.

  35. Dive right into writing. They say that it is better to write and be scared later. Don’t worry as you are writing. Instead of being scared at writing, think of it as an experiment. See what happens once you’re done and send it off. Whatever happens, happens.

  36. Be humble and teachable. You don’t know it all. You don’t want to be cocky or else you won’t get anywhere. Know that there is always room for learning and improvement.

  37. Don’t be in a rush. Going back to the part I mentioned to be patient. This should serve as a reminder to keep learning as you go and taking the time to fine-tune your writing.

  38. Keep learning and writing. Again, don’t be impatient! It will happen!

  39. Don’t hold yourself in. Get out there! Even if you have a contract and your publisher will do the marketing for you, spread the word. Join writers groups, join networks. You don’t need to sit in your cave the entire way through. Make this the time where you are learning off of others and marketing your future writing.

  40. Don’t give up. Keep writing: In your journal, on your phone, notes, and whatever you can think of. As it comes to you, write it down. And use rejection as a tool to help you grow as a writer. You can never give up.

In short, write everything and anything, anyway and every way, with abandon, feeling, and pure desire. Grab your chance to tell the universe you were here.

#writing #Creating #author #Tips #Publishing
